Saturday, June 13, 2015

Migration: VMware 5.5.0 to Hyper-V 2012 R2


This has been a long overdue posting. I started with ESXi 4.1 back in Fall of 2010 and I was really satisfied with the features offered. For years I had advocated sticking to ESXi over Hyper-V when it arrived. In Spring 2013 due to political limitations with one of my valued clients I was forced to use Hyper-V, on Server 2008 R2, for any virtualization. As the largest Healthcare Insurance Company in the US I had informed them of all their options with vmware, they even laughed at the cost since they had the resources to do whatever they wanted. Hyper-V it was! I was shocked at how much the product had improved; Hyper-V had come a long way in it's technical offerings.

The biggest delimiter now, which VMware has failed to address, is licensing. At the end of the day I am a professional, a business man. I have no qualms using the right tool for the job and paying for it when it is warranted; Microsoft won that point fair and square. Change is hard though so while I succeeded with using Hyper-V at work, I kept VMware in my home lab.

Sadly things did not go so well as time went on; it was time for a change. The upgrade to 5.5 was not as painless as other upgrades had been however what truly irked me as a consumer was this:
No new features? After all... that... upgrading?!
Not cool. I went through this whole hassle just for a bunch of features to not be available... Luckily I was still able to get the SSD host caching setup but that was a far cry from feeling victorious. I tried to put myself in their shoes however it didn't make any sense; perhaps one day I will post that debate. Still I found myself holding on, resisting the urge of "change".

When I purchased a Dell PowerEdge R905 would be the final nail in the coffin for VMware in my home lab. I read through the licensing agreement and found this gem:
As of vSphere 5.5, these provisions apply to all paid editions of vSphere, vSphere with Operations Management, and vCloud Suite:
  • vSphere 5.5 is licensed on a per-processor basis (per-CPU).
  • Each physical processor (CPU) in a server must have at least one vSphere 5 processor license key assigned to be able to run vSphere.
  • There are no restrictions on physical cores or physical RAM.
  • There are no restrictions on the number of virtual machines that can run on each properly licensed vSphere 5.5 processor.
  • You can configure up to the maximum number of vCPUs per virtual machine as specified in the vSphere 5.5 Configuration Maximums Guide.
Licensing for VMware vSphere 5.5
The cost to cover the new server licensing was a staggering $ 2,875.00 USD... A pretty big jump from free! Hyper-V on the other hand has no restrictions on the number of sockets the license covers all of them. In my lab I run all Windows boxes as it is so this was a no brainer. Unlike my clients I like to pinch pennies where I can coupling that with Windows Server 2012 R2 sweetened this deal. The Datacenter version you can have unlimited VMs as long as you have a guest OS license; queue the Gregorian Hallelujah and enter the MSDN.

Problem Space

Inventory Concerns

We need to look at the current physical host and identify the following:
    1. How many Guest Machines are involved? In our situation there is only one (1) left as the Active Directory was already moved prior to this post.
    2. How many datastores does the Server currently host? In our situation it has 2 separate RAID1 arrays which each house 1 VMFS datastore. These RAID arrays will not be moved instead they will be re-purposed to SAN storage after they are formated from VMFS to NTFS as iSCSI Targets.
      1. First RAID1 is 250GB capacity and holds the VMware Guest OSes. This will serve as the main storage for the Host OS ie Windows. All that is required is taking a backup of the VMware configuration and disk. After that the filestore can be emptied and formated to NTFS.
      2. Second RAID1 is 1.5TB capacity and holds general file share data as well as a few VHD containers that are used by the Hyper-V as a SAN. To migrate this out of the VMware filesystem the data will be staged to a 4TB drive as a copy. The contents of the logical arrays can them be formatted and moved back after the OS is installed.
    3. Is a staging/transfer platform available to move the data off the server? In the event something goes south I want the option of having all my data somewhere away from the disaster zone. I prepared a 4TB drive to house the migration data. Carbonite already has my data off-site that I can get back through them just in case everything goes south.

Guest Machine Settings Considerations

Lets not overlook any specialized configuration for the migration at hand. I strongly recommend circling back to your administrators on any checklists they may have to consider during migrations. If you are the administrator I strongly recommend you create documentation such as a checklist of common steps to take when migrating a server.
    1. How many instances of SQL Server is installed? In our case we have 1 instance.
    2. Are any instances deployed with TDE (Transparent Data Encryption)? This can be a bit of a trick question as TDE will not cover scenarios instances that have FileTable enabled; more specifically anything that has Filestream enabled which FileTable is built on top of :) In other words TDE only encrypts the Data and Log files. The Filestream/FileTable data which is appended to the backups are NOT encrypted as they are done after the fact. This is true in our situation however you can still enable TDE if you like. TDE was deployed prior to the FileTable being deployed so the Keys MUST be secured beforehand so by the time the backup is restored that data will be accessible or face being locked out. Finally not all Databases in an instance need to have TDE deployed/enabled. 
    3. Does the guest machine have any Certificates that need to be exported? Important question to ask if you want the migration to work. :) In this case we do have certificates from the TDE deployment on a single database.
    4. Does the Guest Machine host any iSCSI Initiators or iSCSI Targets? For really scaled out SQL server instances or clustered SQL servers this is definitely a required consideration.
    5. Are there any Static IP addresses? In this case no, that is something that I had moved away from by taking advantage of Reservations in DHCP.
    6. Do you have a full backup as well as the differential backups? This better be a resounding Y E S! :D
    7. Was a backup made of the FileTable files? This is part of your backup plan! Let's take advantage of that non-transactional access ;)
    8. Are any 3rd party tools involved with backing up and/or maintenance? Yes I use Ola Hallengren Scripts for all of my clients, including myself.
    9. Will the migration require any conversions? In this case yes. The VHD files will be upgraded to VHDX format.

Solution Space


Let's address issue number (1) first by taking an overview of the hardware and systems that will be involved. 

New Destination Server - Dell PowerEdge R905:
  1. Case: 4U Rack mountable
  2. CPU: 4x AMD Operton 64 8389 @ 2.89Ghz Quad-Core
  3. RAM: 32GB DDR3 ECC 677Mhz
  4. HDD: 4x 3.5" 15K Seagate 146GB drives in a single RAID-10. Raid-10 Vs Raid-01
  5. Controller: Dell Perc 6/i w/ Battery
  6. Host OS: Windows Server 2012 R2 Data Center
  7. NIC: 1x Broadcom Netxtreme II BCM5708C. 4x ports total (2x onboard and 2x through daughter riser card). 10Gbe capable. If you had issues with network performance with this card in Hyper-V please see my other article: Troubleshooting Broadcom BCM5708C in Hyper-V 2012 and above
The current rig hosting VMware:

Current Source Server - Dell PowerEdge T100:
  1. Case: Mid-Tower
  2. CPU: Intel Xeon E3110  @ 3.00GHz Dual-Core (No Hyperthreading)
  3. RAM: 8GB DDR3 ECC 800Mhz
  4. HDD: 2x 2.5" 7.2K Seagate 250GB drives in a single RAID1. 2x 3.5" 7.2K Seagate 1.5TB drives in a single RAID1.
  5. Controller: 3ware 9650SE
  6. Host OS: Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard
  7. NIC: 1x Intel 1x Gigabit on PCIe and 1x onboard Gigabit port. 2 ports total.
Staging Server - Generic Workstation with high capacity drive.
  1. Case: Mid-Tower
  2. CPU: AMD Phenom X4 9750 @ 2.40GHz Quad-Core
  3. RAM: 8GB DDR2 1800Mhz
  4. HDD: 1x 2.5" OCZ Agility 3 SSD. 1x 3.5" 7.2K Seagate 3.5TB drive.
  5. Controller: NA
  6. Host OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64
  7. NIC: 1x onboard Gigabit port. 

Secondly we now have a high level overview of the staging area for the migration as well as the datastores involved; concerns 2 and 3.

Migration Preparations

iSCSI Targets

In order to get a better understanding let's zoom in on the DataStore issue. Right now the VMFS file system, colored orange in the diagram below, is inbetween the RAID layer and the NTFS layer. In order to have a successful migration we need to move all of the Yellow and Green storage items. For my migration copying at the NTFS layer won't help as the metadata stored is faked by the VMFS system. Restoring that information on top of the RAID layer will simply cause inconsistencies.

Looking at the diagram further we have VHD's that serve as the virtual disks belonging to the iSCSI targets hosted by one of the guest SQL Server. Let's take those offline so we can migrate them to the staging area.

Sign into the server that has references to the iSCSI targets (Initiators). 

Navigate to File and Storage Services -> Volumes -> Disks. Right click each disk and select "Take Offline". When you do that you should get a prompt; click Yes:

Next open the iSCSI initiator properties. For each target click the Disconnect button until all the targets are Inactive.

Now that we have taken care of the iSCSI consumer/client/initiator :) Let's change over to the host server. The process is a bit simpler. Dismount each virtual disk. Next delete the targets, which should be in the status of Idle by now. If it is not Idle check to see if it is locally mounted.

Next disable each virtual disk.

Next open SQL. We have to extract the certificate in order to be able to restore the backups we took at the beginning. 

USE [master]

-- Locate Databases that have TDE
Indicates whether the database is encrypted or not encrypted.
0 = No database encryption key present, no encryption
1 = Unencrypted
2 = Encryption in progress
3 = Encrypted
4 = Key change in progress
5 = Decryption in progress
6 = Protection change in progress (The certificate or asymmetric key that is encrypting the database encryption key is being changed.)
SELECT DB_NAME(database_id), *
FROM sys.dm_database_encryption_keys

-- View Certificates 
SELECT * FROM sys.certificates

-- Create backups
OPEN MASTER KEY DECRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'YourPassWordStringThatShouldNotEvenReallyBeWordsMoreLikeARandomSequenceOfVariousCharacters'

BACKUP MASTER KEY TO FILE = 'C:\Master.Key.bak' ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'YourPassWordStringThatShouldNotEvenReallyBeWordsMoreLikeARandomSequenceOfVariousCharacters'

BACKUP CERTIFICATE Z10ConsultingTDECertificate TO FILE = 'C:\Z10ConsultingTDECertificate.cer.bak' WITH PRIVATE KEY
 ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'ThisisNearlyAThrowAwayKeyThatIsonlyNeededToBeUsedIfYoureRestoringFromABackupSoYeaKeepItSafe', 
 FILE = 'C:\Z10ConsultingTDECertificate.key.bak'


WHILE ((SELECT encryption_state FROM sys.dm_database_encryption_keys WHERE DB_NAME(database_id) = 'Z010DB') <> 1)
 PRINT('Waiting for the encryption state to change')



USE [master]

-- Drop Old Keys & Certificates
DROP CERTIFICATE Z10ConsultingTDECertificate


-- Test Backup Restores
DECRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'YourPassWordStringThatShouldNotEvenReallyBeWordsMoreLikeARandomSequenceOfVariousCharacters'
ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'YourPassWordStringThatShouldNotEvenReallyBeWordsMoreLikeARandomSequenceOfVariousCharacters'

CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'YourPassWordStringThatShouldNotEvenReallyBeWordsMoreLikeARandomSequenceOfVariousCharacters'

OPEN MASTER KEY DECRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'YourPassWordStringThatShouldNotEvenReallyBeWordsMoreLikeARandomSequenceOfVariousCharacters'

CREATE CERTIFICATE Z10ConsultingTDECertificate FROM FILE = 'C:\Z10ConsultingTDECertificate.cer' WITH PRIVATE KEY
 FILE = 'C:\Z10ConsultingTDECertificate.key',
 DECRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'ThisisNearlyAThrowAwayKeyThatIsonlyNeededToBeUsedIfYoureRestoringFromABackupSoYeaKeepItSafe'

-- Put encryption back on 



IF((SELECT encryption_state FROM sys.dm_database_encryption_keys WHERE DB_NAME(database_id) = 'Z010DB') = 3) BEGIN
 PRINT('Encryption has been successfully deployed')

-- Create backups
OPEN MASTER KEY DECRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'YourPassWordStringThatShouldNotEvenReallyBeWordsMoreLikeARandomSequenceOfVariousCharacters'

BACKUP MASTER KEY TO FILE = 'C:\Master.Key' ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'YourPassWordStringThatShouldNotEvenReallyBeWordsMoreLikeARandomSequenceOfVariousCharacters'

BACKUP CERTIFICATE Z10ConsultingTDECertificate TO FILE = 'C:\Z10ConsultingTDECertificate.cer' WITH PRIVATE KEY
 ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'ThisisNearlyAThrowAwayKeyThatIsonlyNeededToBeUsedIfYoureRestoringFromABackupSoYeaKeepItSafe', 
 FILE = 'C:\Z10ConsultingTDECertificate.key'

BACKUP DATABASE Z010DB TO DISK = 'C:\Z010DB_ExportableBackup_20150607.Bak'
 STATS = 10

With our Certificates and Keys safely in hand we can stop SQL and shut down the Guest OS.

By this point all the data of the host VMware server has been cleaned off including the backup taken of the Vmware configuration and disk. In our Overview Diagram everything that was on Drives A and B have been re-located to C. Shut down the Vmware server and get ready to format the system. We have all of our Keys and Certificates too. Time to Nuke VMware!


We need to ensure the destination server has adhered to the Prerequisites for FileTable. I decided to do this during the backing up process of the current server. The most critical part is the firewall control, luckily the MSDN has good coverage on that; open ports 139 and 445.

If you get an access denied error it is more than likely that you forgot to add the Windows Login of that user to the SQL Logins on the new server. Additionally since FILESTREAM doesn't use windows share permissions you will need to grant roles such as DBReader to the login under User Mappings. If you have a large number of users please default to using a group instead of individual users.

Let's go ahead and import the Keys and Certificates. The script from before includes that. After that is done we simply restore the backup and that is the moment of truth!

YES!!! :D

Ok so at this point we have a now formatted VMware server and a successfully migrated SQL server sitting in it's new Host under Hyper-V on Windows Server 2012 R2 DataCenter. I spun up a new guest OS of Windows 2012 R2 Standard as this box will be the iSCSI SAN box. Please don't call it SANdBox or the community may hit you. ;)

After enabling Nic Teaming and joining the new server to the domain it is time to transfer the files and VHDs back to the 1.5TB RAID array in which they came.

I got to say I was pretty dang happy getting 104 MB/s! No doubt I am getting my money's worth on the teamed NIC cards.


Post Mortem

One thing I truly wish I could have done differently was to have a more resilient staging area for the Data Migration. The 4TB drive was a single point of failure in this process. Even with Carbonite I would have been out for days while waiting to get my data back plus having to redo the whole plan; calculated risk that could have been mitigated further if you will.

I hope you found this article helpful in moving to Microsoft's Hyper-V platform. I wish you the best of luck in your own endeavors!


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